Source code for intake_netflow.v9

"""Implementation for Cisco's NetFlow Version 9 flow-record format.

NetFlow is an exchange protocol between a server (Exporter in Cisco parlance)
and a client (Collector in Cisco parlance). A stream of packets is sent from
the Exporter to the Collector. Each packet can represent several IP flows. A
diagram of a single packet is shown below::

    | Header | Template FlowSet | Data FlowSet | Data FlowSet | ... | Template FlowSet | Data FlowSet |

This implementation can serialize and deserialize a packet, but the stream is a
read-only representation of serialized packets.

The full documentation of this protocol is `NetflowV9`_.

.. _NetflowV9:

import functools
import io
import struct
import time

import attr
import enum

from .utils import read_and_unpack

s_header = struct.Struct("!HHIIII")
s_flowset = struct.Struct("!H")
s_type_length = struct.Struct("!HH")

class FieldType(enum.Enum):
    IN_BYTES = (1, int)
    IN_PKTS = (2, int)
    FLOWS = (3, int)
    PROTOCOL = (4, int)
    SRC_TOS = (5, int)
    TCP_FLAGS = (6, int)
    L4_SRC_PORT = (7, int)
    IPV4_SRC_ADDR = (8, int)
    SRC_MASK = (9, int)
    INPUT_SNMP = (10, int)
    L4_DST_PORT = (11, int)
    IPV4_DST_ADDR = (12, int)
    DST_MASK = (13, int)
    OUTPUT_SNMP = (14, int)
    IPV4_NEXT_HOP = (15, int)
    SRC_AS = (16, int)
    DST_AS = (17, int)
    BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP = (18, int)
    MUL_DST_PKTS = (19, int)
    MUL_DST_BYTES = (20, int)
    LAST_SWITCHED = (21, int)
    FIRST_SWITCHED = (22, int)
    OUT_BYTES = (23, int)
    OUT_PKTS = (24, int)
    MIN_PKT_LNGTH = (25, int)
    MAX_PKT_LNGTH = (26, int)
    IPV6_SRC_ADDR = (27, bytes)
    IPV6_DST_ADDR = (28, bytes)
    IPV6_SRC_MASK = (29, int)
    IPV6_DST_MASK = (30, int)
    IPV6_FLOW_LABEL = (31, bytes)
    ICMP_TYPE = (32, int)
    MUL_IGMP_TYPE = (33, int)
    SAMPLING_INTERVAL = (34, int)
    SAMPLING_ALGORITHM = (35, int)
    FLOW_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT = (36, int)
    ENGINE_TYPE = (38, int)
    ENGINE_ID = (39, int)
    TOTAL_BYTES_EXP = (40, int)
    TOTAL_PKTS_EXP = (41, int)
    TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP = (42, int)
    IPV4_SRC_PREFIX = (44, int)
    IPV4_DST_PREFIX = (45, int)
    MPLS_TOP_LABEL_TYPE = (46, int)
    MPLS_TOP_LABEL_IP_ADDR = (47, int)
    FLOW_SAMPLER_ID = (48, int)
    FLOW_SAMPLER_MODE = (49, int)
    MIN_TTL = (52, int)
    MAX_TTL = (53, int)
    IPV4_IDENT = (54, int)
    DST_TOS = (55, int)
    IN_SRC_MAC = (56, bytes)
    OUT_DST_MAC = (57, bytes)
    SRC_VLAN = (58, int)
    DST_VLAN = (59, int)
    IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION = (60, int)
    DIRECTION = (61, int)
    IPV6_NEXT_HOP = (62, bytes)
    BPG_IPV6_NEXT_HOP = (63, bytes)
    IPV6_OPTION_HEADERS = (64, int)
    MPLS_LABEL_1 = (70, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_2 = (71, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_3 = (72, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_4 = (73, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_5 = (74, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_6 = (75, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_7 = (76, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_8 = (77, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_9 = (78, bytes)
    MPLS_LABEL_10 = (79, bytes)
    IN_DST_MAC = (80, bytes)
    OUT_SRC_MAC = (81, bytes)
    IF_NAME = (82, str)
    IF_DESC = (83, str)
    SAMPLER_NAME = (84, str)
    IN_PERMANENT_BYTES = (85, int)
    IN_PERMANENT_PKTS = (86, int)
    FRAGMENT_OFFSET = (88, int)
    FORWARDING_STATUS = (89, int)
    MPLS_PAL_RD = (90, bytes)
    MPLS_PREFIX_LEN = (91, int)
    SRC_TRAFFIC_INDEX = (92, int)
    DST_TRAFFIC_INDEX = (93, int)
    APPLICATION_TAG = (95, bytes)
    APPLICATION_NAME = (96, str)
    REPLICATION_FACTOR = (99, int)
    LAYER2_PACKET_SECTION_DATA = (104, bytes)

    def __new__(cls, code, dtype):
        obj = object.__new__(cls)
        obj._value_ = code
        obj.dtype = dtype
        return obj

class Header(object):
    """Packet metadata.

        version : int, optional
            The version of NetFlow records exported in a packet (defaults to 9).
        count : int, optional
            Number of FlowSet records contained within a packet.
        uptime : int, optional
            Time in milliseconds since an export device was first booted.
        datetime : int, optional
            Seconds since 0000 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 1970.
        sequence : int, optional
            Incremental sequence counter of all packets sent by an export device.
        source_id : int, optional
            Vendor-specific uniqueness ID.

    version = attr.ib(type=int, default=9)
    count = attr.ib(type=int, default=0)
    uptime = attr.ib(type=int, default=0)
    datetime = attr.ib(type=int)
    sequence = attr.ib(type=int, default=0)
    source_id = attr.ib(type=int, default=0)

    def current_unix_seconds(self):
        return int(time.time())

    def decode(source):
        return Header(*read_and_unpack(source, s_header))

    def encode(self):
        return s_header.pack(self.version,

def create_struct(dtype, length):
    if dtype is int:
        if length == 1:
            code = 'B'
        elif length == 2:
            code = 'H'
        elif length == 4:
            code = 'I'
        elif length == 8:
            code = 'Q'
            raise ValueError("invalid integer length: {}".format(length))
    elif dtype is bytes:
        code = "{}B".format(length)
    elif dtype is str:
        code = "{}s".format(length)
        raise ValueError("invalid datatype: {}".format(dtype))
    return struct.Struct('!' + code)

class TemplateField(object):
    """A definition of an individual column in a template.

        type : FieldType
        length : int
            Length of the above type, in bytes.

    type = attr.ib(type=FieldType)
    length = attr.ib(type=int)

    def struct(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_struct'):
            self._struct = create_struct(self.type.dtype, self.length)
        return self._struct

    def decode(source):
        type, length = read_and_unpack(source, s_type_length)
        return TemplateField(FieldType(type), length)

    def encode(self):
        return s_type_length.pack(self.type.value, self.length)

class TemplateRecord(object):
    """A definition of data records received in subsequent export packets.

        id : int
            Unique ID for given template. Only values at or greater than 256
            are allowed.
        fields : iterable of TemplateField, optional
            A collection of fields defined for a template.

    def __init__(self, id, fields=None): = id
        self.fields = fields if fields else []

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return == and sorted(self.fields) == sorted(other.fields)

    def __len__(self):
        return s_type_length.size + sum(field.length for field in self.fields)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.fields)

    def decode(source):
        template_id, nfields = read_and_unpack(source, s_type_length)

        template = TemplateRecord(template_id)
        for _ in range(nfields):

        return template

    def encode(self):
        raw = s_type_length.pack(, len(self.fields))
        for field in self.fields:
            raw += field.encode()
        return raw

class TemplateFlowSet(object):
    """A collection of template records grouped together in an export packet.

        templates : iterable, optional
            A collection of template records.

    def __init__(self, templates=None): = 0
        self.templates = { template for template in templates} if templates else {}

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return == and self.templates == other.templates

    def __len__(self):
        nbytes = s_type_length.size
        for template in self.templates.values():
            nbytes += len(template)
        return nbytes

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.templates[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.templates)

    def decode(source):
        fs = TemplateFlowSet()
        _, length = read_and_unpack(source, s_type_length)
        offset = s_type_length.size

        while offset < length:
            template = TemplateRecord.decode(source)
            fs.templates[] = template
            offset += len(template)

        return fs

    def encode(self):
        raw = s_type_length.pack(, len(self))
        for template in self.templates.values():
            raw += template.encode()
        return raw

class DataFlowSet(object):
    """A collection of data records grouped together in an export packet.

        id : int
            Unique ID for given template. Only values at or greater than 256
            are allowed.
        payload : bytes or list
            Either an encoded byte stream of data records or a list of decoded
            data records.
        templates : dict
            A dictionary of template records, keyed by given TemplateRecord id.

    def __init__(self, id, payload, templates):
        self.template = templates[id]
        self.records = []
        self.record_length = len(self.template) - s_type_length.size

        if isinstance(payload, bytes):
            source = io.BytesIO(payload)
            remaining = len(payload)
            while remaining >= self.record_length:
                self.records.append([read_and_unpack(source, field.struct)[0] for field in self.template])
                remaining -= self.record_length
        elif isinstance(payload, list):
            self.records = payload

    def __len__(self):
        return s_type_length.size + len(self.records) * self.record_length

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.records)

    def decode(source):
        id, length = read_and_unpack(source, s_type_length)
        payload = - s_type_length.size)
        return functools.partial(DataFlowSet, id, payload)

    def encode(self):
        raw = s_type_length.pack(, len(self))
        for record in self.records:
            for field, value in zip(self.template.fields, record):
                raw += field.struct.pack(value)
        return raw

def decode_flowset(source):
    # Peek ahead to find flowset ID
    loc = source.tell()
    raw =

    flowset_id = s_flowset.unpack(raw)[0]
    if flowset_id == 0:
        return TemplateFlowSet.decode(source)
    if flowset_id > 255:
        return DataFlowSet.decode(source)
    return None

class ExportPacket(object):
    """A packet containing IP flows sent from a router to a collector.

        flowsets : iterable
            A collection of template and/or data flowsets.
        header : Header, optional
            Packet metadata for given flowsets. If None, then a header with
            reasonable defaults is created.

    def __init__(self, flowsets, header=None):
        self.header = header if header else Header(count=len(flowsets))
        self.flowsets = flowsets

    def update_cache(self, cache):
        """Update cache of template records."""
        for flowset in self.flowsets:
            if not isinstance(flowset, TemplateFlowSet):
            for id, record in flowset.templates.items():
                cache[id] = record

    def apply(self, templates):
        """Deserialize partially-decoded data flowsets.

        Deserialization of a data flowset is a two-step process because we
        cannot assume the needed template is available when we encounter the
        data flowset. Thus, we place the deserialization process on hold until
        a packet is fully read. Then we re-scan the partially-decoded data
        flowsets and finish deserialization.
        for i, flowset in enumerate(self.flowsets):
            if isinstance(flowset, functools.partial):
                self.flowsets[i] = flowset(templates)

    def decode(source):
        header = Header.decode(source)
        flowsets = []
        for _ in range(header.count):
            flowset = decode_flowset(source)
            if flowset:
        return ExportPacket(flowsets, header=header)

    def encode(self):
        raw = self.header.encode()
        for flowset in self.flowsets:
            if isinstance(flowset, functools.partial):
            raw += flowset.encode()
        return raw

[docs]class PacketStream(object): """A read-only representation of serialized packets. Parameters: source : file-like object Read-only input for packets. """ def __init__(self, source): self._source = source self._cache = {} def next(self): try: packet = ExportPacket.decode(self._source) except: raise StopIteration # Add templates to cache packet.update_cache(self._cache) # Finish deserialization packet.apply(self._cache) return packet def __next__(self): return def __iter__(self): return self def close(self): return self._source.close()
[docs]class RecordStream(PacketStream): """A read-only representation of serialized data records. Parameters: source : file-like object Read-only input for data records. """ def __init__(self, source): super(RecordStream, self).__init__(source) self._queue = [] def next(self): while len(self._queue) == 0: packet = super(RecordStream, self).next() for flowset in packet.flowsets: if not isinstance(flowset, DataFlowSet): continue keys = [ for field in flowset.template.fields] for record in flowset.records: self._queue.append(dict(zip(keys, record))) return self._queue.pop(0) def close(self): self._queue = [] return super(RecordStream, self).close()